Soft Arrowwood Viburnum dentatum
Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle Family)
-a dense, multistemmed shrub, typically 5' to 9' tall and wide,
deciduous native plants can be as tall as 15'
-oppositely arranged simple leaves, either a shiny or flat dark green
-leaf margins coarsely toothed, leaf bases are shallowly heart-shaped
-veins are prominent, with the leaf puckering between veins
-branching is upright and spreading, eventually arching over at the tips
-overall shape is rounded
-blue-black fruits in flat clusters
-dense, twiggy, suckering habit
-flat clusters of small creamy white flowers
Special Adaptations:
Viburnum flowers always have five petals and dogwood flowers always have four. And if you carefully pull a dogwood leaf in two lengthwise, the two parts will tend to stay connected by the threadlike strands of the leaf veins. Viburnums don't do this.
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